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Aviso de Privacidad

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as established in Articles 8, 15, 16, and 36, BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, with an address for the purposes of this Notice at CALLE PAPALOTL #8, COLONIA SAN MARTIN XOCHINAHUAC, ALCALDÍA AZCAPOTZALCO, ZIP CODE 02120 IN MEXICO CITY, makes available this Privacy Notice and Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data Handling Statement, as defined in the Law, to all its clients, suppliers, business partners, distributors, and generally, to any individual or legal entity from whom BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, has received and/or may receive personal data.

A. INFORMATION TO BE COLLECTED. BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, has requested and received, and/or may request personal data from clients, suppliers, business partners, distributors, or any third party. This information is provided voluntarily, free of charge, and includes data that, non-exhaustively, are described below:

I. Individual

  • Full name.

  • Place and date of birth.

  • Address.

  • Marital status.

  • Number of family members or dependents.

  • Nationality.

  • Current or previous profession or professional experience.

  • Phone number.

  • Personal and professional references.

  • Socioeconomic situation, assets, and financial data.

  • Email address.

  • Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).

  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).

Among others strictly necessary for the purposes mentioned later, including Sensitive Personal Data.

II. Legal Entity

  • Business name or corporate name.

  • Business activity or social purpose.

  • Tax address.

  • Incorporation deed with registration data.

  • Power of attorney of the legal representative.

  • Phone numbers.

  • Email address.

  • Financial or asset data.

  • Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC).

Among others strictly necessary for the purposes mentioned later, including Sensitive Personal Data.
In addition to the above data, information is automatically collected when browsing the website, such as IP address, access times, pages visited, date, type of browser used, URL, website from which the user arrived, location, and duration of the visit. This information is used for statistical purposes related to users and pages visited on the site to establish policies aimed at improving the website's functionality and information, as well as detecting potential service abuse.

It is the responsibility of the data subject to ensure that the personal data voluntarily provided to BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, is correct, truthful, and complete, and to communicate any changes to it in order to comply with the obligation to keep the information updated.

In case the data subject’s personal data is not available, BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, will not be able to carry out the purposes for which the data is required and will not be held responsible for any consequences. Furthermore, personal data that is provided incompletely or is not viable for the purpose it was requested will be immediately deleted and will not be stored in any database.

B. PURPOSES OF PERSONAL DATA PROCESSING. The aforementioned personal data may be collected directly from the data subject, either personally or through its various operational, technical, administrative departments, and/or legal representative, via electronic, optical, sound, visual media, or any other legally permitted technology, and will only be used for the following purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Providing information on our products and/or services.

  • Performing statistical and market analysis.

  • Payment of services to suppliers.

  • Identification, location, negotiation, and generation of contractual relationships with clients, suppliers, distributors, and/or business partners.

  • Updating directories; as well as

  • Compliance with tax obligations, social security, and other obligations arising from the contractual relationship with the data subject, all in strict adherence to the current laws of the Mexican Republic.

C. USE OF INFORMATION AND DISCLOSURE OF DATA. The personal data collected will be handled in a legitimate, controlled, and informed manner through appropriate administrative, technical, and physical means, such as confidentiality agreements, the management of our databases, and the protection of our computer and IT systems to ensure privacy and prevent loss, misuse, or unauthorized access. In the event that BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, needs to use your personal data and/or sensitive data for purposes other than those agreed upon in the legal relationship with the data subject, the data subject will be notified in writing, by phone, electronically, or by any optical, sound, visual means, or any technology available now or in the future, explaining the new uses of the information and requesting authorization. In case personal data stored is requested by an authority for any reason, whether due to legal proceedings, responding to claims or legal actions, or protecting the rights of BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, its clients, suppliers, distributors, business partners, and generally, the data will be made available within strict compliance with the law and/or in cases where such regulations so provide. With this privacy notice, the data subject is duly informed of the data collected and its purposes, accepting the terms outlined, which have been prepared in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

D. PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION For the collection of personal data, we follow all principles established in the law, such as legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility.

E. RIGHTS TO ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, CANCELLATION, OR OBJECTION. The data subject has the right to request access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition of their information by submitting a written request to BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM at the following address: CALLE PAPALOTL #8, COLONIA SAN MARTIN XOCHINAHUAC, ALCALDÍA AZCAPOTZALCO, ZIP CODE 02120 IN MEXICO CITY, Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, or by contacting us at +52 1 55 52-06-03-25 or via email: and

BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM will respond to the data subject’s request, as long as no exceptions as stated in the law apply, and the requester meets the requirements outlined in Article 29 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties.

CONSENT OF THE DATA SUBJECT. In accordance with Article 9 of the Law, BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, required the express consent of the data subject for the processing of their sensitive personal data, thus granting their consent for the processing of these data according to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice.

“MODIFICATIONS, ADJUSTMENTS, AND/OR CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE” BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, reserves the right to modify or update this privacy notice at any time to address, adjust, and comply with any legal changes that may apply.

BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, will understand that if no objections are raised, the data subject has read, understood, and agreed to the terms herein, thereby consenting to the changes outlined in such updates concerning the processing of their personal data for the purposes of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and other applicable legislation.

This privacy notice, as well as the general handling of the law by BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, is governed by the current applicable legislation in the United Mexican States, and any disputes arising from its application must be settled before the competent judicial bodies in Mexico City.

Date of the last update to this privacy notice: 08/07/2024
BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, located at CALLE PAPALOTL #8, COLONIA SAN MARTIN XOCHINAHUAC, ALCALDÍA AZCAPOTZALCO, ZIP CODE 02120 IN MEXICO CITY, is responsible for the personal data collected here and will use it, among other purposes, to inform you about the products, activities, or services offered.

I authorize BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, to use for any purpose, including marketing other products, activities, or services, the information contained in this registration form, as well as any other generated by my relationship with BUCIO CASCO Y ASOCIADOS, S.C., ACCOUNTING AND LAW FIRM, its affiliates, associates, commission agents, or any controlled and/or related company, whether directly or indirectly, for the purpose of integrating a single identification file.

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